What does the following error mean: "Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again ... /LogEntryCLI has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime ... this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0"
The error means that the version of java in your path or current JAVA_HOME environment variable is out-of-date. As of December 2025, the minimum required version of java is 11. On CUE systems as well as older ACE RHEL7 systems, the default version of java remains the ancient version 8. See https://logbooks.jlab.org/content/unix-command-line.
What determines where the body of an entry is truncated for "teaser" display?

For an entry that does not explicitly declare where the break will occur, the body of the logentry is truncated at ~600 characters for teaser display. For an HTML format entry, the number of characters you see may be fewer because the HTML tags will contribute to the 600 character limit. For an HTML formatted entry, you can control where the teaser ends by placing the following tag in your entry: <!--break-->

If you use the wysiwyg editor to compose your entry, it has a toolbar button that will insert the teaser break for you.

Will logbooks be available from the MCC if access to logbooks.jlab.org or the computer center networks in general get cut-off?
OPS will have a replica of the logbook available at https://elog.acc.jlab.org. This server resides on a ACE subnet and would remain available if access to the broader JLAB network gets severed. Unlike the primary logbooks.jlab.org server, elog.acc.jlab.org will not be available from off-site. Both servers access the same database and filesystem and may be used interchangeably by OPS.
Are the contents of attached documents searchable?
Not yet. The search service is provided by a server running the open source Apache SOLR software. A plugin exists to allow it to access the contents of PDF, Word, and other common document formats, but it has not been installed and configured at this time.
Are logbooks available as RSS feeds
Yes. Simply replace /book in the URL with /rss. For example the main elog has its home page at https://logbooks.jlab.org/book/elog so the corresponding RSS feed URL would be https://logbooks.jlab.org/rss/elog
Where Can I find log entries from before 2010?

For entries between 2002 and 2010 this link (accessible from JLab non-guest networks only) will take you to the old service. Use the "More Display Options" button or the date-picker on the right hand side to customize the date range you wish to view.

Scans of the paper logbook used during the 1990s are available here