Jefferson Lab Logbooks User Guide
The Web Server you are visiting right now provides an interface for you to browse, search, and create electronic logbook entries. The system has been built using the Drupal content management system and utilizes a MySQL back-end database to store its entries. The system has been designed to consolidate and replace the functionality of the multiple electronic logbook systems that existed at Jefferson Lab between 1996 and 2012.
Users familiar with the previous Operations Electronic Logbook will find the following new features in this system:
- Revisions
- An entry may be revised after it has been created. This allows for correction of factual errors and the incremental addition of information to an entry. Previous revisions of the entry remain, however and may still be accessed by someone who wishes to view what was changed. Only the author of an entry may revise it.
- Comments
- While only the author of an entry may revise it, any valid user may add comments to a logentry. Comments may be used to attach additional images or files.
- Tags
- Tags are pre-defined keywords that may be associated with log entries to further classify their content.
- Faceted Search
- The logbook search service provides "faceted" results that allow users to filter their results after they have been returned to more quickly find what they are looking for.
- Access from Off-site
- The logbook may accessed from anywhere including from outside the jlab network, for example from a smartphone while travelling. All that is required is a valid JLAB username and password.
- A well-documented programming interface allows programmers to send information from programs to a logbook.