Main Page

The home page of the logbook server provides an overview of recent entries. By default entries from all logbooks are displayed, however users may edit their Preferences and specify a specific list of logbooks that they wish to see on the front page, in which case only those logbooks will be displayed when the user is logged in.

The default presentation of the logbook is to display chronological listings of logbook entries in the primary content area of the screen, with the most recent entries at the top of the page and older entries below. A menu bar at the top of the page provides access to other features such as the form to make a new log entry, a menu to select a specific logbook or tag, and a search box. There is a login form in the menu area as well. Beneath the menubar, beside the main content is a narrow sidebar region that contains blocks of tools separated by collapsible headings. One of these blocks, expanded by default, provides a calendar for choosing a different day's log entries. The other blocks provide form elements that can be used to filter the listing. The figure below illustrates this described layout and highlights some key features for navigating.



Navigation of Logbookjs

When I open a specific comment - e.g., - following a link or a search result, why does the page not show any navigation tools? It would be EXTREMELY helpful if I could simply click forward and backward through the SAME logbook, or get a listing of logs from that same logbook, as is the case if I go to the same entry through the actual Logbook page - e.g. . (If I click on the same entry from there, I get a "previous" and "index" link.)