Note: The new Problem Report format is not compatible with the old 6GeV logbook and entries appear there only as normal log entries. (The 6GeV logbooks will stop receiving any new entries at all on 01/01/2014, so it's really time to thinkg about letting go if you still use it.)
A logbook entry may be turned into a problem report with the addition of additional data fields to classify the affected system (and possibly even the specific component) and identify the team to whom responsibility for addressing it will be assigned. For the Accelerator Operations Department, The list of systems, components, and responsible groups is based on the Hot Checkout database, with some additions.
Problem report logbook entries are easily identifiable in the logbook by the presence of a red or green flag icon. The red flag ()
indicates an unresolved Problem Report that still needs attention. The green flag (
) indicates a Problem Report that has been resolved and no longer needs attention.