What determines where the body of an entry is truncated for "teaser" display?

For an entry that does not explicitly declare where the break will occur, the body of the logentry is truncated at ~600 characters for teaser display. For an HTML format entry, the number of characters you see may be fewer because the HTML tags will contribute to the 600 character limit. For an HTML formatted entry, you can control where the teaser ends by placing the following tag in your entry: <!--break-->

If you use the wysiwyg editor to compose your entry, it has a toolbar button that will insert the teaser break for you.



How do you make an OPS-PR Entry?

There is no menu selection for Make new OPS-PR Entry.
What does not work:
Logged in or not logged in (either logging in through "login" at top of the e-log screen or through the "Actions --> New ELOG" selection process.
Browser - Firefox and ie (windows)
OS - tried on Windows and Linux
Location - trying from the control room - it better work here!