Viewing Entries

The primary means of viewing log entries is to view them on the web by selecting a particular logbook and browsing its contents.


Logbooks serve a the primary means to organize log entries. Logbooks are created for a specific audience as a way to segregate entries of interest to that audience. For example the Cryogenics Logbook and the Hall A Logbook serve the users of the Cryogenics Group and the Hall A users respectively. The list of logbooks may be accessed from the menubar of the logbooks web server and provides a comprehensive listing of the currently available logbooks.

When a log entry is created, it must be assigned to at least one logbook, but it may be entered into multiple logbooks when its content is of interest to the audiences of multiple logbooks. When an entry is entered into multiple logbooks, only a single shared copy of the entry exists -- it is not duplicated. Every logentry can be accessed by its unique URL in the pattern /entry/lognumber


By default, a logbooks is presented as a table of recent log entries, with the most recent entries listed first and progressively older entries going down the page. A date-picker (aka calendar) is available if a user wishes to choose an earlier date to view. The titles of the entries are links which may be clicked to view the full content of the entry. The logbook may also be viewed in an alternative "headlines" mode which displays more information including thumbnails of attached pictures as well as the body of the entry (abbreviated to ~600 characters if it's longer).

Sticky Entries

Occasionally while viewing a logbook, a block of entries labelled sticky may be presented at the top of the page.