Display Settings

The display settings form allows you to control the presentation of the entry listing. The available options are discussed below.

Important: You must press submit the Display settings form by pressing the "Apply" button in order to make your changes take effect. The changes will remain in effect until you close your browser or resubmit the form with different settings.

Hide Autologs
Selecting this checkbox will prevent entries that have been tagged as "Autolog" from being retrieved from the database. When selected, only entries that have not been tagged as "Autolog" will be shown in the listing.
Enable Preview
Selecting this checkbox will allow you to "preview" the content of log entries in a pop-up window by clicking on the lognumber. This can be a convenient way to view entries without constant use of your browser's back button and helps to avoid losing your place in a long listing.
Entries per Page
Gives you some control over how many entries are shown on a page. Requesting more entries per page will make the page take longer to load, especially if you are using a display format other than table (see below)
Date is
Selects whether the date column in table display mode displays the original content creation time of each entry or the last time it was updated (revised, commented upon). The default option is "Last Update" so that when content is updated, the entry floats back to the top of the listing.
Group Entries
Determines whether entries are subdivided with time-based headings (Shift or Day) or not.
Display Format
Controls how each entry is presented in the listing:
  • Table - Most compact format with one table row per log entry.
  • Teasers - An abbreviated entry format that displays the comments, the body (truncated after 600 characters or so) and thumbnails of attached images.
  • Full Content - The entire content of each entry is displayed in series, one after the other.