Available Fields

lognumberintegerThe Number of an entry
titlestringThe title of the entry
createdstructReturns a record containing both an integer timestamp (unix "seconds since the epoch" format) as well as a human friendly string representation (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI)
authorusernameThe username of the entry's author
entrymakersstringcomma separated list of other entry makers
numcommentsintegerThe number of comments on the entry
numattachmentsintegerThe number of attachments the entry contains
needsattentionintegerWhether the entry requires attention (1) or not (0).  It is null for non-problem report entries
booksstructThe logbooks to which the entry was posted. An array of logbook names.
tagsstructThe tags applied to the entry. An array of tag names.
bodystructReturns a content field with the contents of the body as well as a format field indicating whether the body is indicated to contain text or html

Returns an array of attachment records.  The fields within each record are

  • url   - The URL to retrieve the attachment
  • type - The mime type of the attachment
  • caption - The caption/description attributed to the attachment