
The query below searches the Hall A Logbook (HALOG) for entries whose title contains the string Start_Run and requests that the lognumber, title, and body fields be returned. A limit of 1 entries at a time is requested.



The response below has been edited for brevity sake. The salient points to observe are:

  1. It is JSON-encoded.
  2. The response consists of a status "stat" and a payload "data".
  3. The data field contains metadata about the results set (total entries, entries per page, etc.)
  4. Within the "data" payload is the array of entries.

{"stat":"ok","data":{"currentItems":1,"totalItems":"1832","pageLimit":"1","currentPage":0,"pageCount":1832,"entries":[{"lognumber":"3319137","title":"Start_Run_20692,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=Home(no target, or empty),comment_text=GMP cosmic run","body":{"format":"html","content":"..."}}]}}


Error Responses

If the "stat" field is not "ok", there will be a "message" field in lieu of a "data" field.  The message will contain information about the error.