Logentry Resource
The full JSON-encoded content of a single logentry may be accessed by URL matching the pattern "https://logbooks.jlab.org/api/elog/entries/####" where #### is the desired lognumber (for example https://logbooks.jlab.org/api/elog/entries/3587330)
Custom Request Parameters
JSON-encoded content for a user-defined set of log entries may be accessed by appending one or more of the parameters below to the base API url "https://logbooks.jlab.org/api/elog/entries" (for example https://logbooks.jlab.org/api/elog/entries?book=HCLOG)
title | string | Requests entries whose title contains the given string |
author | username | Requests entries by specific author |
startdate | string | Specifies the beginning of a date range to limit entries. Default is -180 days. The string may contain absolute or relative date. For example:
See http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php for details. |
enddate | string | Specifies the end of a date range to limit entries. Default is now(). Same format rules as startdate |
limit | integer | Limit on number of entries returned.
book | string | Limits entries to a specific logbook. May be repeated to specify multiple logbooks. Prefix the string with - (a dash) to invese the logic and exclude the specified logbook. Example -TLOG would exclude entries in the Test Logbook. |
tag | string | Limits entries to a specific tag. May be repeated to specify multiple tags. Prefix the string with - (a dash) to invese the logic and exclude the specified tag. Example -Autolog would exclude entries tagged as Autolog |
field | string | Specifies a field the user would like returned. If ommitted, the default set of fields will be returned consisting of lognumber, created, title. The full list of fields is documented in the next section. |